Understanding the spiritual meanings on which the practices of Islam are based, opens up the vastness of the inner life. Even though young Muslim children are not yet obliged to fast or pay zakat, the virtues and spiritual dimensions on which these are based can easily be introduced and comprehended even by five-year olds. Imam al-Ghazali’s stories and metaphors offer an effective way for parents to communicate with their children, in a language which can be used and directly related to the occurrences within everyday life. In the following two books of the Ihya, such virtues as generosity, gratitude, selflessness, reflection, self-discipline, patience, honesty, moderation, and trust in God’s loving wisdom are no longer abstract concepts but can be clearly seen instead as urgent and absolutely relative to each individual. We are indeed blessed to have Imam al-Ghazali’s systematic presentation of aspects belonging to the inner sunna and his detailed map for guarding and perfecting our innate and noble nature. The Ghazali family is growing. Fons Vitae is delighted that so many schools, including weekend and home schools throughout the entire world, have joined the Ghazali Pilot School system. The number of foreign languages into which the Ghazali Children’s Series has been translated increases daily. The beautifully illustrated Urdu version is already being taught in Pakistan. Azhar University has translated an edition to be published for their school system in Cairo. Teachers’ workshops have been held from Sarajevo to Birmingham, from Capetown to Durban and Johannesburg. Launches have taken place from Jakarta to Marrakech.
Age Range Suitability There are workbook activities and review questions included for all ages including parents and teachers. Some can be read and explained to smaller children which will help them get acquainted with the many components of charity and fasting before they reach the age when it becomes required. For small children there are also opportunities to draw. Some of the captivating activities in the curriculum for each chapter are perfect for younger children and there are others that are easily adaptable.
Workbook and Curriculum
- The order of ideas presented in the book follows that of Imam al-Ghazali.
- The stories in the book are intended to introduce children, parents and teachers to the imam’s teachings and insights.
- The workbooks and curricula (for which we encourage creative contributions from teachers according to the age groups and cultures of their classes) are integral to the Series and key to the ideas becoming a lived reality as:
- The workbook provides a chance to review and learn the key ideas and engage with them.
- The curriculum provides a system to put what has been learned into practice. Enjoyable games and activities give children a chance to create new habits while reinforcing their noble natures
Table of Contents
- A Word from the Publisher
- Introduction to Imam al-Ghazali’s The Mysteries of Charity and Fasting for Children by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf
- Chapter One: Why Are Some People Rich and Others Poor?
- Chapter Two: At the Family Farm
- Chapter Three: Five Necessary Parts of Charity
- Chapter Four: The First Inward Manner of Giving Charity
- Chapter Five: Something You Should Be Sure Not to Do and Other Inward Duties
- Chapter Six: The Story of the King and His Servants and The Fifth Inner Duty
- Chapter Seven: Going More Deeply into Greed, Pride, Conceit, Generosity, and Humility and The Sixth Inner Duty
- Chapter Eight: The Example of Grandfather and His Pure Orange Blossom Honey and The Seventh Inner Duty
- Chapter Nine: Knowing Who Most Deserves to Receive and The Final Inner Requirement
- Chapter Ten: Hiking Through the Forest
- Chapter Eleven: Reaching the Summit Sadaqa – Voluntary Charity – Its Virtues and the Manners for Giving and Receiving It\
- Workbook and Teacher’s Manual