October 17 through May 31
In the Book of Knowledge, you learned about ways you can polish your Shining Heart. Tell about how reading the Book of Knowledge and doing exercises in its workbook has helped you to do so.
Write an ESSAY of any length, describing how your behavior towards strangers or family members has changed? Describe how your Real Self has been watching the actions of your lower False Self. What things have you discovered that tarnish your heart and what do you now do to make your heart shine? Simply write about any ideas, which you have learned from Imam al-Ghazali that you love.
Create ART
You can submit drawings or films to the contest as well. Here are some ideas:
Draw in detail three things that you are doing to polish your heart. You could even draw a cartoon or a picture of each type of good doings in action, which you love. Or draw a picture of you doing something wonderful.
- Ghazali hand Puppet
- You can send in a film!
- Actors at work!
Three winning prizes will be awarded! Winners will be posted on the Ghazali Children’s website and receive a future book set for free.
Age categories: 4-6, 7-10, 11-15 And now as a school entry.
If you are submitting your entry by mail, please address your submission to:
The Ghazali Children’s Project
49 Mockingbird Valley Drive
Louisville, Kentucky, 40207, USA
If you are submitting your contest entry online, please fill out the following form.