How Can I Find My Way?
Dragons and Trolls
Dragons and Trolls are the names of the behaviors that we wish to remove from ourselves. Think about your behaviors and the ones suggested on the page you can download. Add to the list if you want. Circle those behaviors … Continue reading
Polishing the Outside
Just like a house, each of us have an outside and an inside. What would it look like if we kept the outside of the house clean and the inside full of rubbish? What would a visitor think of our … Continue reading
Sitting with Ghazali
Take a moment to read this page about being with Imam al-Ghazali. If you were sitting in silence with Imam al-Ghazali, what might he be teaching you through his behavior? What about him would you like to copy? What we … Continue reading
Gazing at the Stars
One of the things you can look forward to after you cross the bridge, or Sirat, is reaching the special pool of Muhammad. The water that fills this pool comes from one of the rivers in the Garden of Paradise, from the … Continue reading
Important Things You Cannot See
The trust a falcon has for its master is invisible. We can see the body of a falcon with our eyes, but we understand the invisible trust of the bird and the warmth and kindness of its master with our … Continue reading