Removing a Spot from the Heart
Adam’s mom, Kaoutar, wrote in to tell us how they “Polish the Heart” “I asked Adam if he had done as I had asked and he nodded a yes, but his dad said he did not, so I marked it … Continue reading

Adam’s mom, Kaoutar, wrote in to tell us how they “Polish the Heart” “I asked Adam if he had done as I had asked and he nodded a yes, but his dad said he did not, so I marked it … Continue reading
This story illustrates how dreadful and even embarrassing it is to show off. This is something people do because they have low self esteem and feel that WHO they ARE is not enough to be loved and accepted by others. … Continue reading
“O Lord, show me things as they truly are.” – a hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him. When your heart is polished and still, like a calm pond – it can glow with the reflections … Continue reading
Video entries Hafsah, Sumayyah and Zaynab tell us what is special about several different animals and asks: do animals have a spiritual Heart like humans? Watch this great video and find out. Great job girls and we love … Continue reading
What would your Real Shining Self Say? Continue reading